A good friend of mine at school is interning with Coca-Cola and she asked if I could help spread the word! She's been kind enough to provide me with some links, that if you could just click on and visit! It's for a great cause. I mean who doesn't love coke! And there are polar bears! Check it out:
Care about Polar Bears?
@CocaColaCo has since 1922! See what they’re doing with @World_Wildlife in the Arctic
Coca-Cola Freestyle Mobile App
Live Positively : with 250+ programs worldwide, @CocaColaCo is giving kids a reason to get off the couch & move.
Live Positively : with 250+ programs worldwide, @CocaColaCo is giving kids a reason to get off the couch & move.
Check it out and share this post
Coca Cola Freestyle Machine: @ccfreestyle machine has more than 100 exclusive brands. It’s the new way to drink Coca-Cola.
Coca Cola Freestyle Machine: @ccfreestyle machine has more than 100 exclusive brands. It’s the new way to drink Coca-Cola.
Thanks so much!
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